
A Letter From The President

   Student seated on the floor with notebook, pointing at the board

Dear Partners,

Help International, Inc. began as a dream as small as the proverbial mustard seed. It germinated in my heart for thirty years before God used circumstances and timing to bring together a small group of like-minded people with a burden for the poor village children in India, where I was born and raised.

After living in the U.S. for 30 years, in 2000 I started traveling to India twice a year, visiting cities, towns and villages. I saw hundreds, thousands of very poor children who were without hope, doomed to the life of illiterate unskilled labor their parents and grandparents had endured. I desperately wanted to help and started praying for an opportunity.

Finally, Help International, Inc. was formed in 2005, and we were granted non-profit 501(C)(3) status in 2008. Our mustard seed, though, was still a seed. Now we have nine village education centers where very poor children receive instruction six days a week. We provide daily education for three levels of instruction in grades 1-5.

Here’s where you come into the story. With your support, Help International, Inc. will expand the education centers by hiring additional teachers to serve the growing roster. We are not looking for high tech equipment or state of the art facilities. Our humble aim is literacy, because that is the immediate educational need in the villages. Without basic literacy, the children have no hope of higher education as a way out of poverty.

Thank you and God bless you.

Michael Massand, President

About us

Mission Statement

It is our belief that every child has a right to education as a means to self sufficiency in the future. It is also our belief that humanitarian efforts are most effective when done in a way that is culturally relevant to a given population.  In keeping with this belief, Help International Inc. does not direct any foreign missions but raises funds from mission-minded individuals and groups by creating awareness of the needs of internationals serving in their own countries.

Core Values

  • We believe in the power of prayer.
  • We believe that God has entrusted all people with the responsibility of caring for each other, providing for blessings for all people irrespective of caste, creed, sex, religion etc. .
  • Faith in God is demonstrated by integrity in the everyday issues of life and relationships, including a commitment to live justly.  Love mercy and walk humbly with our God.
  • God has endowed every human being with dignity and inestimable value. A genuine concern and compassion for underserved people undergirds our mission. Our focus on the very poor children is to bring holistic development.
  • We are committed to uncompromising integrity. In our relationships, financial practices, and promotion, we desire to embody the highest standard of ethics and morality.